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Liquid Softener

Concentrate Liquid SoftenerBesides the efficiency on softening clothes, this product also helps to moisten skin exposing to clothes gently (even baby’s skin).


Liquid Dish Washer

Concentrate dish cleaner products enables you to clean more dishes than using other products because it is consisted of 4 types of cleaner helping to clean and eliminate oil and dirt from tour dishes completely. It is also able to clean dirt from the surface of vegetables and fruits and it is also consisted of cleaner obtained from natural plants, for example, palm, coconuts, and corn. Moreover, it is consisted of Aloe Vera extract therefore it is safe for using and biodegradable.


Oxy Quick X3 Action

The solution for laundry that all homes must have. This ultra concentrated detergent is suitable for hand washing and washing machine. With Oxy Quick Technology, oxygen delivers deeper clean to the fabric in no time. Plus, Protease Enzyme helps break down tough stain without your hard brushing.


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S.O.D MORE (Sachet)



Ease Shower Cream

The Innovation of Shower Cream for Bright SkinThis intensive shower gel helps to maintain skin’s moisture giving young


Brightening Cream

Skincare product for your face with Intense Brightening Creamthat is combined with lightweight, easy to absorb, and reducemelasma & freckles, and dark spots.



Dietary Supplement: Target


S Vera Gel

Aloe vera "Aloe Barbadensis Mill" is a plant come from the natural that have been confirmed as the best herb to be mixture of cosmeceuticals available in skin care products and also use in health care and treatment of various diseases excellent.

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