
Placement of Purchase Orders for Products & Payment

Successmore member must identify his member number every time when purchase any products from Company as well as apply the correct purchase order whether it’s a Regular Order Channel or Business Mobile Channel order.

Normal Order ROC (Regular Order Channel)

means normal purchase and point(s) (PV) will go directly to member account.

Business Mobile Channel (BMC)

means Successmore member can order products for your own team, save time and travel expenses at the same time. This method helps manage business efficiency, so Successmore member rather use it with care and not exceeding than demand. Moreover, the order conditions and BMC should be known clearly.

Product Purchase Order and Payment Channels

Successmore members can make product purchase orders by the following two channels:

Purchase Products in Person at Successmore’s headquarters and every branch in Thailand

  • For Pick & Pay Branches
    • Cash Payment
    • Payment with VISA and MasterCard from Banks Worldwide Remarks: Other persons who are not the credit card owner may not sign in the owner’s place even though that other person is a spouse due to legal requirements pursuant to the Criminal Code.
    • Barcode and QR Code Scan Payment
    • SCM Point Payment
  • For Service Center Branches
    • Product purchase order information can be made at the service counter by informing the Company’s staffers of the Successmore member ID, the purchaser’s first name and last name and the type of normal or BMC purchase order.

Online Product Purchase Orders

The Company facilitates online product purchase order services by helping Successmore members manage time, convenience and increase accuracy of purchase orders as Successmore members want. Successmore members can make purchase orders only for themselves or Successmore members in the business line. Successmore members can order product purchases online via the website at

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